Monday, August 30, 2010

Mulitsensory Activity for the Letter Meem

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Multisensory learning (learning that involves using as many of the five senses possible) is thought to help children make deeply rooted connections to the material they are being taught. In turn, this is believed to aide children in the rapid recall of the information and thus make the experience lasting. If these multisensory activities are happy experiences then the child will love learning insha'Allah and of course...waallahu alim. This is an example of a multisensory activity for the letter meem that compliments our lesson on the Prophet Musa (alayhi salam).

After a very brief lesson on the letter meem, it's sound, look, etc. toddlers are given a large construction paper letter meem, construction paper miniature masaajid and tape (toddlers love tape! The sensory part is that it is sticky). They are invited to tape the masaajid around the letter meem (or on it). As they tape the first few masaajid to the letter meem, I say the letter meem (its sound) and the word masjid - placing a bit of stress on the meem sound. I give a small piece of tape each time the child decides where they want to put their masjid. Afterward, we hang a masjid next to the letter meem as a reminder that masjid has the beginning sound of meem.

This is a very simple activity that requires few materials but provides toddlers with a joyful experience insha'Allah.

What type of multisensory activity would you do with the letter meem?

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