السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Appropriate?: Yes
Genre: Non-Fiction
Book Format:
Picture Book
Age Group: 5 years and older
Book Review: Once again, author Nicola Davies teaches children fascinating animal facts through storytelling in a captivating way. This time children learn about the life cycle of loggerhead turtles in One Tiny Turtle. The story follows one tiny loggerhead turtle over a period of roughly thirty years and children learn interesting facts about this sea creature that scientists know little about. The illustrations help bring life to the story of the little turtle as the aqua colours radiate warmly on the page.
Only one line of the story needs to be altered when reading aloud to Muslim children. Where the text reads, "Only good luck will catch you a glimpse of her", you may simple choose to omit this sentence altogether or reword it with Islamically appropriate text. Perhaps you might say, "If Allaah wills, you will catch a glimpse of her," or something along these lines.
Another point to be aware of: The books in the Read, Listen & Wonder series come with a CD where children can listen to the story being read aloud. Unfortunately, there is music on the CDs and so the CDs are not able to be put in a listening centre as children may inadvertently listen to the music on them.
One Tiny Turtle
is another book that children may find themselves genuinely interested in and teachers/parent-teachers may be happy to have found yet another fascinating non-fiction text to present to their students/children.
More reviews on books from this author coming soon insha'Allaah.
Only one line of the story needs to be altered when reading aloud to Muslim children. Where the text reads, "Only good luck will catch you a glimpse of her", you may simple choose to omit this sentence altogether or reword it with Islamically appropriate text. Perhaps you might say, "If Allaah wills, you will catch a glimpse of her," or something along these lines.
Another point to be aware of: The books in the Read, Listen & Wonder series come with a CD where children can listen to the story being read aloud. Unfortunately, there is music on the CDs and so the CDs are not able to be put in a listening centre as children may inadvertently listen to the music on them.
One Tiny Turtle
More reviews on books from this author coming soon insha'Allaah.
Until the next read insha'Allaah....
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