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Even though the school year has officially ended, reading aloud is something that parents can continue doing as it helps children retain the information learned during the school year. Continuing to read aloud to your children over the summer also helps prevent the lose of the reading progress that was accomplished during the year.
Reading Rockets points out that "
the research is clear that children who don't read during the summer can lose up to three months of reading progress and that loss has a cumulative, long-term effect".
With that in mind, I will continue to post books that your children may enjoy reading over the summer months with you (or independently) insha'Allaah.
The first book your children might enjoy is:
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
is one of several books from the "What Do You See" series by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle.The repetitive text helps children work on prediction skills and also helps boost reading confidence. After hearing the story read aloud a few times, most children are able to chorus read the story and remember the repetitive line of text without difficulty subhana'Allaah. Children also seem to enjoy the artwork of Eric Carle.
These resrouces may be helpful in extending your reading of Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?:
Perhaps on your next trip to the library you may wish to pick up
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
and continue the comforting tradition of reading aloud to your child as the warm summer months approach insha'Allaah.
A side note: in the back of this book, there are extension suggestions and activities. There is one however that is not recommended due to the fact that it asks the child to imitate the sounds the animals in the story make. Ibn Taymiyyah -
rahimullaah- has stated that this is something that Musilms should refrain from doing. Insha'Allaah, I hope to find this fatwa from him in English but as of yet, I have been unsuccessful.